Visual studio for mac generate ipa
Visual studio for mac generate ipa

artistName and playlistArtistNameĪrtistName with playlistArtistNameThe keys for the company name you want to create an iOS application displayed within the iTunes. For a complete list of allowed values, see Apple's UIRequiredDeviceCapabilitiesDocuments. IOS device must be specified before the application is installed in the support ARM7 instruction set and has front camera.

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If it is falseIt is not displayed on the device. If a value of the function trueYou must display this feature. ) And Boolean values ​​of each function dictionary (. UIRequiredDeviceCapabilitiesīy UIRequiredDeviceCapabilitiesButton, iTunes can understand iOS applications which require device-specific functions available to install on a given iOS device. The following will detail the value of each key. The following example describes a typical istFile, which is used to define iTunes Ad Hoc distribution of information required: This plist file is a specially formatted XML file (For details, see Property list Programming Guide), Which contains the definition given to the key-related information application iOS / value pairs.

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To distribute the lack of information provided to the Ad Hoc, choose to create an optional istFile and include it in the application IPA file. For distribution or transfer to tester business users iOS application via Ad Hoc, the lack of this information.

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When you create iOS applications (whether for sale or for free publication in the iTunes App Store) in iTunes Connect, developers can specify the application type, subtype, copyright notice, supported by iOS devices and equipment necessary functions and other information. This article describes the ist file, which is used to provide iOS apps to iTunes using the Ad Hoc distribution of information related testing or enterprise deployment.

Visual studio for mac generate ipa